I remember when you first came out, you swallowed a little too much fluid and you had to be put on oxygen. It upset me not to hold you immediately, but after 45 minutes, a sweet little bundle of you was placed in my arms. My life would never be the same. Little did I know it, but you would save me. My beautiful 7 lb, 11 oz. daughter, Kassidy Noelle.
You were the sweetest baby. Slept through the night early and never gave me any trouble. Your sweet personality was evident from the beginning; at the same time you had a passion for life mingled with that childhood innocence. However, you've always been so mature beyond your years.
In these past 8 years, I have put you through a lot of things that I hope someday you can understand. You have handled every situation with grace and finesse; probably better than many adults I know. You taught me how to love, how to show compassion, and how to forgive. I love you even more (if that's possible) for this.
I could not be any more proud of you. I wish you knew how much I loved you, that there was a way on this earth to show you with something you could see or physically feel. When I look at you, I see an absolutely, unbelievably incredible daughter. I am beyond blessed to have you in my life. You have shown me so much and there is no doubt in my mind you will continue to do so. You're my sweet princess that has a beautiful soul, you're kind to others, and I wish I had more of your soft spirit. Never change who you are, because that person is amazing.

I love you most - more than anything. Happy birthday sweet girl.
I love this mama, thank you so much!!!! I love you!!!!!!!